Our Events Team has made coronavirus-related safety a top priority for this year’s event. In close partnership with Universal Orlando Resort and our conference hotel, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, our teams are in frequent contact to ensure all conference attendees will have a safe and enjoyable experience.
Please note that Sun will have exclusive use of the conference venue and will be strictly enforcing enhanced safety protocols that extend beyond what the resort currently requires.
We encourage all attendees to get vaccinated, in accordance with CDC guidelines and recommendations, in anticipation of our event this fall.
Federal law requires each person to wear a mask at all times while in airports and when using public transit, during boarding and deplaning, and for the duration of all flights. Those who are fully vaccinated are still required to wear a mask.
Each attendee will be required to wear a mask while using event transportation to and from the airport as well as to and from our off-site event. Seating on motorcoaches will be reduced to allow for adequate distancing.
Face masks that fully cover your nose and mouth will be required for all attendees while indoors regardless of vaccination status.
Masks with ventilation holes or single-layer gators are not considered acceptable face coverings.
Safety Concierge will be stationed throughout our event space to provide friendly reminders of this requirement, when needed.
Attendees will be required to submit proof of a negative COVID-19 test result 48-72 hours prior to traveling to the event.
During on-site registration, all attendees will be required to complete a no-cost COVID-19 rapid test.
Testing that complies with international travel requirements will be conducted for Canadian team members prior to departure from the event to allow for seamless re-entry into Canada.
Hand sanitizer will be readily available in all event spaces and throughout the hotel.
All attendees will be provided with hand sanitizer during on-site registration.
All table surfaces will be fully disinfected in between each breakout session.
High touch areas will be regularly disinfected throughout the event.
Attendees will be asked to refrain from leaving the resort for after-conference activities to reduce the risk of exposure from non-conference attendees.
Food and beverage experiences will be modified as compared to typical Sun events. All food stations will be staffed with servers to eliminate handling of food serving utensils by attendees, many food items will be individually packaged, and fresh plates, utensils, and glasses will be used for refills.
Breakout sessions, meals, and other conference events will be setup to allow for proper distancing of each participant, and group activities will be adjusted to support adequate distancing protocols.
Ground transportation in Orlando will involve extra sanitization efforts and social distancing between designated rows of seats on motor coaches.
Various government bodies have confirmed the risk of onboard transmission is exceedingly low, which accords with scientific studies on communicable diseases and air travel. Research conducted by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health indicated:
Source: Faculty & Scientists, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (2020, October). Assessment of Risks of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission during Air Travel and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions to Reduce Risk (Phase One Report). AVIATION PUBLIC HEALTH INITIATIVE. Retrieved September 5, 2021, from https://cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2443/2020/10/Phase-One-Report-Highlights-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1HSm1yyKckmcvmA0EZhl5m91Fs26A4emIl7JYUXhxuLAthnkMUk3sXCm8.